". Full Quran Download: Full Quran Download mahir al mueaqly

Full Quran Download mahir al mueaqly

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Sheikh Maahir's mom and dad moved to Madinah of Nabi (SAW) and he was born there aswell. He memorized the whole quran in Madinah and he was taught in the class of many scholars who are respected worldwide in Madinah. He began his Sheikh career in the North of The Kingdom Of Saudia. He was taught extensivley in mathematics until he began teaching it aswell. At this point he stopped preaching and started working as a math teacher. He went back to Makkah to become a scholar and taught in the school of balaat. In Makkah he became a reknowed speaker and began preaching once again.After becoming loved by the people he was chosen to become an advisor to Prince Abdul-Majid in Makkah.The sheikh is married and has 4 children, 2 boys and two girls. He began to teach Quran in Makkah before he began teaching at King Abdullah Saood University. He was promised before ramadan the he would lead taraweeh prayers in Madinah for the year 1426 and 1427, so he did. After that he was moved to Makkah and began to lead taraweeh from the first day of 1428 Ramadan in Masjid Al- Haram with Sheikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sudais.

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10 Yunus 
11 Hud 
12 Yusuf 
13 Ar-Ra'd 
14 Ibrahim 
15 Al-Hijr 
16 An-Nahl 
17 Al-Isra 
19 Maryam 
20 Ta-Ha 
21 Al-Anbiya 
22 Al-Hajj 
23 Al-Muminun 
24 An-Noor 
25 Al-Furqan 
29 Al-Ankabut 
31 Luqman 
32 As-Sajdah 
33 Al-Ahzab 
34 Saba 
35 Fatir 
38 Saad 
39 Az-Zumar 
40 Ghafir 
41 Fussilat 
42 Ash-Shura
43 Az-Zukhruf 
44 Ad-Dukhan 
49 Al-Hujraat 
50 Qaf 
52 At-Tur
53 An-Najm 
54 Al-Qamar 
55 Ar-Rahman 
56 Al-Waqia 
57 Al-Hadid 
62 Al-Jumua 
66 At-Tahrim 
67 Al-Mulk 
69 Al-Haaqqah 
70 Al-Maarij 
71 Nuh (Nooh)
72 Al-Jinn 
75 Al-Qiyamah 
76 Al-Insan 
78 An-Naba 
79 An-Naziat 
80 Abasa 
85 Al-Burooj 
87 Al-Ala
89 Al-Fajr
91 Ash-Shams 
92 Al-Lail 
93 Ad-Dhuha 
95 At-Tin
98 Al-Bayyina 
100 Al-Adiyat 
101 Al-Qaria 
102 At-Takathur 
103 Al-Asr 
104 Al-Humaza 
105 Al-Fil
106 Quraish
107 Al-Ma'un 
109 Al-Kafirun 
110 An-Nasr 
111 Al-Masad 
112 Al-Ikhlas
114 Al-Nas


  1. jazakoum allaho 3ana kolla kheir

  2. بارك الله فيكم

  3. الله يجعلها في ميزان الحسنات ان شاء الله رب العالمين

  4. Mashallah Allah jazak de dunya or akhirat me ameen
